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Beyond Doubt!
This recording is a project I have been working on for quite some time, seeking to answer the question, “How can we know the Bible is the word of God?”
The Central Act Of Worship In The Church
Transcript of The Dividing Line. March 6, 2018 at the 9:00 minute mark, Dr. James White. “I believe very, very strongly that the central act of worship of the Church is the full and careful and balanced ministry of the word of God to the people of God, gathered...
Why Do We Primarily Use The English Standard Version At Kings Church?
Pastor John Samson Here at King’s Church the English Standard Version of the Bible is the translation most frequently used in our services. I mention this for two main reasons; the first being that it can be very confusing if we have the different words in front of us...
Is Grace ‘Amazing’ To You?
The Bible does not merely show sinners to be undeserving, but as ill-deserving. So often we are inclined to think of ourselves, prior to our salvation, as in some sense "neutral" in the sight of God. We are willing to admit that we have done nothing to deserve His...
The Normal Christian Birth
(1/21/18) - Medical science informs us that the events surrounding a baby’s birth is a key factor in a child’s development. A long, drawn out, painful and complicated birth can have a lasting negative impact and that is why it is vital that much attention is given to...