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Justification And Sanctification
We can make a distinction between the body and the head of a man and he suffers no loss, but if there is a separation, the man will be dead. The head and the body must stay together for life to continue. Similarly, though we can make a distinction between...
For Parents
I am blessed indeed to call Pastor Dan Phillips my friend. He knows his Bible well and serves his congregation well. He wrote the following and asked me if I had anything I could add before he sent it to the parents in his congregation. I read it and did not have...
Timeline of the Reformation
Transcript (slightly edited) of an excerpt from a message by Dr. Steve Lawson entitled "William Tyndale and the English Reformation" from November 21, 2017 - original source - - from the 7 minute 40 second mark) If I could...
A Call For A New Reformation
Passage: Hebrews 4:11-12
The Job of the Pastor
Paul Washer in his interview entitled “The Preeminent Christ”. Transcript excerpt from the 30:44 mark (slightly edited): "In Job 28, there’s a story about the miner who goes down into these dangerous pits and swings on a rope in darkness. He turns over mountains, he...