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Features of Reformed Worship

God-Centered Worship is the expression of praise, glory, thanks, honor, submission and devotion and is to be given to God alone. All else is idolatry. Therefore, Reformed worship is intentionally God-ward, celebrating all that He is and all that He has done in...

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A Visitor Writes…

Thomas, from Wyoming was a first time guest in our worship service yesterday. He took time to write an email describing his experience with us. I thought I would share it with you as it is a strong encouragement to us all to continue to pursue purity of worship:...

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The Apostles’ Creed

Two Sermons by Pastor John Samson: Part 1: An overview of various creeds found within the pages of the Bible as well as a particular focus upon the Apostles' Creed, showing its history and profound significance in the life of the Church. Part 2: The Apostles' Creed...

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Creeds and Confessions in the Biblical Text

Deuteronomy 6:4 While John 3:16 is the most famous verse in the Bible, it is fair to say that in the Old Testament, the most well-known words are found in what the Jews call the Sh’ma, found in Deuteronomy 6:4. There in English we read these words, “Hear O Israel: The...

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