John James

John James

John James serves at King’s Church as an elder and periodically leads the congregation in the reading of Scripture, creeds and catechism in the worship service. He is also in charge of providing supplemental materials for children to help them focus on the pastoral teaching during the service. He is the husband of his college sweetheart, Wendy, and they have four children and twelve grandchildren, all residing here in the Phoenix area.

John was born and raised in Youngstown, Ohio. By the sovereignty and providence of God, his older brother Tom was led to Christ and discipled by RC Sproul. This occurred while Tom was a student in Sproul’s philosophy class at Westminster Seminary in Pennsylvania. This encounter with RC brought Reformed theology into the James home.

John’s ministry interests lie in serving the church body, the sharing of Scriptural truth, and the visitation of the saints in their homes- personally shepherding the flock of God.  John is also involved with evangelism as part of our church outreach into the surrounding communities. Another passion of his is to encourage the individual members of the church on Sundays and on the phone throughout the week. He loves talking about reformed theology.

John retired from teaching after 32 years in Christian education and also served in prison ministry for 12 years. He also meets weekly with his grandchildren on a 1 on 1 basis to teach them the book of Proverbs.