Pastor John – Health Update
I had a massive pulmonary embolism just over a month ago at the pulpit. Perhaps 1 in 3 people don’t survive such a thing, especially when it is as severe as mine. I had multiple blood clots filling both lungs. I am very grateful to God to be alive and am very conscious of your love and prayers. The Lord is sustaining me. THANK YOU for your continued prayers as I make good but slow progress in my recovery. The main doctor overseeing other specialists I am seeing has said that he doesn’t need to meet with me until early July and he is very happy with the progress I am making. Of course, my full recovery cannot happen soon enough for me but I need to learn patience in this season. Truly, my times are in His hands.
My body has been through great trauma and all advice is to rest. I am doing that. I appreciate you all so very much and miss you terribly.
I hope to see you, my precious King’s Church family in the very near future in the Lord’s timing and providence. Press on brothers and sisters!
The Lord is good and His mercies endure forever!
Pastor John Samson